“It can take a lifetime to discover who we truly are”

It began making models of airplanes and tanks as a kid on the family dining table and eventually led me into furniture making after my hectic and lengthy career in high tech product development. I liked the idea of everything being made exactly as I wanted it to be, custom made. I realized over time, the custom project was not only the things I made, it is also the person I am always becoming.

Now, I know we are all works in progress trying to become our true selves.   Over time we peel away those parts that don’t fit. Our life’s work is finding out what really resonates inside and connecting in community with those others that vibe in the same way.  We are each custom made works of art changing, evolving and becoming.

Through my healing journeys through and out of addiction and ADHD, I have found a path worth sharing with the sincere hope I can make your life better in some meaningful way. I do this through my teachings, my craftsmanship, and my family life.